The following content comes from, the open source BPM tool contributed from Intalio
This page is the first page you should read to learn how to start with IntalioBPMS. It aims at pointing you to the 10 first actions you should take in order to get started with IntalioBPMS.
- Download the product from the download section. Make sure to download both IntalioBPMS Designer and IntalioBPMS runtime components.
- Install Designer by following the instructions of Getting Started: IntalioBPMS Designer
- Install the runtime components (Geronimo, IntalioBPMS Server, IntalioBPMS Workflow, IntalioBPMS Console) by following the instructions of Getting Started: IntalioBPMS Server
- Run the Absence Request scenario by following the instructions. It will give you an idea of what a complete end-to-end process may look like for an end-user.
- You are now ready to design your first process. Please follow the 'Getting Started: Implementing your first process.'
- Test your first process by following the 'Getting Started: Deploying and testing your first process'
- Learn advanced concepts with our tutorials.
- Get help from our users in the forums. Do not hesitate to share your experience with them and with us!
- Sign up for a training if you want to learn more and meet us
- Finally if you have followed all those steps, you can contribute back by using the library.
1 則留言:
Why not just link to the source url ?